Friday 3 August 2012

Confessions Of A Raw Cannabis Juice Drinker

Here I am halfway through my raw cannabis juice drinking experiment and I feel GREAT! Picking and juicing and drinking the raw cannabis has been a spiritual experience to say the least.
As hemp becomes more readily available the freshness factor really comes into play and it's no different with the juice. Being able to pick and wash and juice with a matter of hours has been really paying off in terms of the freshness of the juice we are drinking. Looking at freezing a whole bunch as the Manitoba winters are long and just don't think I want to go that long without the juice of life.
Thanks for reading and I hope the day comes soon when you can wander into your local health food store, open the cooler and grab a refreshing cannabis juice based beverage. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of one person who gets Leaf from Hemp farms in Canada, I am waiting till I can more leaves from local growers because all I have room for growing is Hemp sprouts to juice! I bet if Cannabis had never gotten outlawed there would be more Cannabis Juice bars than churche (who knows, maybe they christians and cannabis will rejoin forces and heal people again!)Dietary Cannabis Juicing, Sprouting and Non-psychoactive Cannabinoid Dosing info based on Dr. William Courtney's recommendations at
